L3 X100xp CCTV camera

Technical Specification

  • Make: L3
  • Model code: X100xp
  • Colour Type: Monochrome
  • Resolution TVL: 120
  • Digital (DSP): Yes
Additional info:

The Thermal-EyeTMX100xp is a rugged, lightweight, waterproof, palm-sized X100 thermal imaging camera from L3 – the smallest and lightest handheld thermal imaging camera available on the market. The Thermal-EyeTM X100xp measures only five inches long, weighs 370 grammes, is powered by AA batteries and is priced half the cost of other thermal imaging cameras for the law enforcement industry. The camera, designed for rugged use, has no illuminating light source that could betray the location of an officer doing surveillance or while tracking criminals fleeing in the darkness.

Make L3
Manufacturer L-3 Communications Security & Detection Systems
Model code X100xp
Colour Type Monochrome
Resolution TVL 120
Digital (DSP) Yes
Specialist Types Thermal
Electrical Specifications Voltage: 24 V AC
Physical Specifications Dimension mm: 134 x 114 x 51
Weight g: 370
Environmental Specifications Operating Temperature oC: - 20 ~ +60
Protection: Shock, Vibration & Water Resistant
Accessories Thermal Viewer For Nightvision
Additional info The Thermal-EyeTMX100xp is a rugged, lightweight, waterproof, palm-sized X100 thermal imaging camera from L3 – the smallest and lightest handheld thermal imaging camera available on the market. The Thermal-EyeTM X100xp measures only five inches long, weighs 370 grammes, is powered by AA batteries and is priced half the cost of other thermal imaging cameras for the law enforcement industry. The camera, designed for rugged use, has no illuminating light source that could betray the location of an officer doing surveillance or while tracking criminals fleeing in the darkness.

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