2 Jan 2018

As we take a look back on 2017, there are a number of trends we need to highlight — all of which have redefined our industry. Cybersecurity played a huge role in physical security, driven by the increase in the use of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the overall interconnectivity between devices and expanding cloud technologies.

Although exceptionally beneficial, the IoT also brings with it an increased amount of cyber vulnerabilities. As security systems are using the Internet more and more to integrate a variety of technologies, the door is open to a number of potential threats that could compromise the entire enterprise.

Safeguarding against hacking

Now more than ever, manufacturers need to provide secure products and guidelines to safeguard from potential hacking. In many ways, this understanding comes from partnerships throughout the industry and combining the knowledge base across multiple platforms.

Today, convergence is more a reality than it has ever been. The integration of separate systems (for example, video surveillance and access control) is of increasing interest to stakeholders. Organisations are hungry for data and seek to gain as much information as possible about their business, daily operations, an emergency situation or security breach and beyond.The simple fact is that convergence is no longer just “nice to have”; but it is now a requirement

Seeing the big picture

But there is little value in disparate pieces of information. To find the knowledge behind captured data, it must be combined and presented in an intelligent way — allowing the user to see the “big picture” and make informed decisions based on this comprehensive view. In the security market, the ability to analyse both video surveillance and access control data enhances awareness by allowing users to gain greater insight and facilitate faster response. Combining the data into a single management platform ensures ease of use and understanding of critical data points.

Arteco’s 2017 success

At Arteco, we pride ourselves on delivering a wide array of options to help users gain new levels of intelligence to build stronger business programmes and enhance safety initiatives. We understand that video systems cannot be siloed. That’s why we focus so heavily on ensuring we integrate seamlessly with a wide variety of third-party systems.

The simple fact is that convergence is no longer just “nice to have”; but it is now a requirement. Therefore, we’ll continue to see more efforts on building technology partnerships and easing integration challenges in the coming year. The companies that make it easy for platforms to communicate and provide value to customers through the integration will lead the way.

Looking back on the year, 2017 in many ways has been a year of arrival for Arteco. We have been serving the video and intelligence markets for years but now we feel we are primed for larger success. We continually hear that we are the right product at the right time, and that is incredibly rewarding. We believe 2018 will be the year of wider market acceptance as users look to reach higher levels of intelligence across their businesses.