11 Jan 2018

We predicted last year that more vendors would introduce copies of Arecont Vision’s multi-sensor 180-360 degree panoramic and adjustable-view multi-sensor cameras in 2017, which came true. More vendors now offer their own 1st generation copies of the pioneering technology we introduced in 2006.

We’ve continued to lead this market, introducing new 5th generation single-sensor and multi-sensor cameras that are used by customers worldwide. The SurroundVideo Omni G3 with Remote Setup captured both customer and industry attention, awarded four times for product innovation.

The security industry in 2017

The rapid rise in prominence of cybersecurity surprised much of the surveillance industry. No longer only IT’s concern, an increasing number of high-profile cyberattacks involved surveillance cameras. Hidden back doors, viruses and worms, ransomware, cameras sending data to foreign countries, and other cyber challenges proved all too real.

Our camera customers were not impacted by any of these threats. Arecont Vision cameras employ our in-house developed Massively Parallel Image Processing architecture on integrated FPGA ICs, providing unmatched cybersecurity. Our cameras were not successfully used for any malicious, unintended purpose, but only as the industry’s best megapixel surveillance cameras.

Cybersecurity in 2018

Cybersecurity will continue to be a major industry concern in 2018. This will see cybersecurity in the camera increasingly become a requirement. Education and following the recommendations of organisations such as the SIA’s Cybersecurity Advisory Board will become even more important globally for manufacturers, installers, and security practitioners.

Overall, the industry will get better at addressing cyber issues; those integrators and manufacturers that don’t will find themselves negatively impacted in 2018.

Arecont Vision began preparing for strong growth in 2018 earlier in the year. We streamlined our global sales regions, fine-tuned our executive leadership, added new sales people and tools, and designed great new cameras and technologies. With even more new products on the way, we see a great outcome for Arecont Vision in 2018.