13 May 2016
Technology solutions enhance and make manned guarding more
effective and efficient the quickest way

Most companies believe manned guards can help mitigate disturbances and neutralise situations, while at the same time reducing the chance of criminal activities and/or accidents occurring. However, people cannot be omnipresent or always be in the right place at the right time. When combining manned guards with the power of today’s technology, the results are unmatched.

Developments in technology solutions for the security industry have had a positive impact on businesses, customers and employees – in more ways than one. Technology products and solutions are the most efficient and quickest way to enhance and make manned guarding more effective, especially at sites with large perimeters and/or multiple ingress and egress points like gates, doors, windows, loading docks, etc.

Faster response time, lower cost

By using manned guarding companies coupled with the latest technology solutions, it will help to improve the delivery of information regarding possible threats.  By investing in new systems and technology platforms, businesses can enhance their manned guarding protection by providing more pinpoint accuracy on an issue, allowing for faster response time and providing a safer environment for existing manned guards and other employees, while over time reducing the number of guards needed and thereby decreasing costs. Security technology helps to provide reliable perimeter detection, immediate and assured remote visual verification, effective remote prevention capabilities to ward off threats and the right tools to provide situational awareness to first responders to safely and effectively monitor and respond to rising threats.

Businesses can enhance their
manned guarding protection
by providing more pinpoint
accuracy on an issue, while
over time reducing the number
of guards needed and thereby
decreasing costs

Technology is rapidly improving, sometimes so quickly it’s hard to keep up. Today’s technology and remote electronic prevention solutions can provide superior detection verification and allow for remote response with high performance and reliability at a total cost of ownership that is cost effective.

Look for solutions that have leveraged years of award-winning onsite, remote and mobile guarding technology experience that enable virtual guard tours at remote sites, increase protection, augment existing guard patrols and/or replaces manned guard patrols entirely.

Following are four effective technology solutions to pair with a company’s manned guarding services for enhanced security outcomes:

Video content analytics

Video content analytics (VCA), which provide the capability to automatically analyse video, range from video motion and audio detection to more advanced systems, including camera tampering detection, people counting and more, and provide high performance intrusion detection using video analytics specifically designed for 24/7/365 outdoor operation. Optimised using footage from thousands of hours of video covering a range of environmental, seasonal and time of day variations, analytics can achieve low false alarm rates while maintaining high detection probability and reliability and add simple “region of interest” configurations for the locations that need the highest level of monitoring. Whether monitoring a yard or creating a virtual fence around a supply depot, technology solutions can deliver performance where it is needed 24/7, quickly and effectively.

Look for systems that provide remote access via mobile devices or that run through a Central Monitoring Station (CMS), but that also have dashboard analytics, which can be easily created to measure the performance of a particular site and of individual guards — all benchmarked against targets and key performance indicators. VCA should allow customers to get as granular as they want or need, and trends can be compared to determine performance across an entire enterprise or portfolio. This brings a new level of visibility, transparency and openness to the client/supplier relationship that would have been impossible to imagine 20 years ago.

As VCA gets even more sophisticated, the number of applications and the reporting options are expected to grow, making it possible that in the future there will be far less reliance on manned guarding.

PIR detectors produce true alarms – no false alarms – with the highest detection reliability  

Passive infrared response (PIR) detectors

PIR detectors help protect large perimeter campuses due to their high precision detection performance, reliability and range. In fact, PIR detectors are capable of identifying human targets by sensing temperature differences between them and the background at distances over 700 feet. These types of detectors are customisable and available in a variety of models to optimally address varying perimeter, performance and budget needs for any size company, and one of their greatest benefits is that they produce true alarms – no false alarms – with the highest detection reliability – allowing guards the ability to quickly resolve any issue accurately.

Multi-service gateways

Multi-service gateways can transmit, record and do VCA in one single unit for easy management of multiple remote sites and accurate deployment of guards, ultimately, improving efficiency and reducing personnel costs. Multi-Service gateway applications should include the ability to detect loitering, provide remote visual verification as well as real-time intelligence within six seconds of anything from an intruder to smoke detection.  A rapid assessment of video alarm images allows responders to quickly identify the alarm cause, optimising real-time intervention while reducing expensive nuisance alarm responses.

As VCA gets even more
sophisticated, the number of
applications and the reporting
options are expected to grow,
making it possible that in the
future there will be far less
reliance on manned guarding

Mobile apps

Mobile apps for security purposes? Of course. Today, the general consumer can access detection and monitoring apps to see inside their homes directly from their smartphones.

Similar mobile apps are now available for remote response and situational awareness purposes for business enterprises, so relying solely on security guards to detect threats around your business no longer makes sense.

Now businesses can download Apple applications that provide remote event notification and verification for first responders. It also can alert end-users to provide situational awareness through live and timed access into an end site enabled by a CMS. Most mobile applications are free and can be found in the Apple app store for iPhones and iPads. This technology helps first responders reduce their risk and response time, while allowing end-users the ability to verify an event.

Double-knock functionality

Intelligent PIRs pointed at each other and linked together via an intrusion control panel or management station deliver “double knock” functionality. By cross zoning two detectors additional sub-zones are created, which can then be used for precise alarm localisation and subsequently camera positioning. This results not only in an ideal image section, but also in fewer false alarms, caused by wild animals or other environmental reasons. Additionally optimally zoomed-in images can be used by video analytic functions of remote multi-service gateway systems for “triple knock” verification and response by operator in an alarm receiving center (ARC).

There have been debates about the pros and cons of employing security guards versus buying electronic security measures. Why not have both? The combination of Passive Infrared Response (PIR) detectors, video content analytics, multi-service gateways and mobile apps in conjunction with manned guards not only improves security and threat detection, but also improves effectiveness needed to protect a company’s enterprise while lowering the cost over time.