26 Apr 2023

The return of trade shows has been an invigorating development for the security market. The morning-after reviews of this year's shows could not have been more positive. Everyone in the industry seemed to revel in the excitement and momentum as the shows decisively proclaimed: 'We're back.' Continuing that momentum into the future will depend on how well the shows adapt to changing industry trends and repeatedly reinvent themselves to be better every year. Adding feedback from GSX to our earlier discussion of ISC West, we asked our Expert Panel Roundtable: How could ISC West or GSX be improved to make them more valuable to visitors and exhibitors?

Eddie Reynolds Iluminar Inc.

In short, 2023’s ISC West was a huge success. Attending this year’s event made it clear to me that the security industry is back and better than ever. At this year’s conference, my sister Erica Reynolds and I also had the privilege of presenting a SIA Education session titled ‘Let’s Chat: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Security Industry.’ While our conversation seemed to resonate with those in attendance, expanding the accessibility of SIA Education Sessions to all ISC West attendees is one way both SIA and ISC West could greatly amplify the impact of its thought leadership panels and the critical conversations that follow them. For any industry to create a sense of belonging in its networking and trade events, it must commit itself to implementing key components of diverse, equitable and inclusive business practices. In the future, I’d love to see all SIA and ISC West education sessions accessible and free of charge to the attendees.

Lisa Tubb Gallagher Security

I would like to see GSX move away from being product driven and evolve to become an exhibition that's solution driven. When you walk the floor, you find yourself surrounded by products on display, which look impressive, but you can't always tell just by looking at a product how it's going to solve your problem. To do that, you need to talk to someone, which brings up another evolution I'd love to see happen at GSX - more space to hold conversations. Individual stands can make these adaptations, but I think the organizers at GSX should think about how the layout of the floor and structure of the event can be adjusted to create spaces outside of stands for these kinds of connections to occur. Anyone can browse a website or pick up the phone to ask about a product; the industry comes to these events because of the people, the conversations, and connections made, and GSX should lean into that.

John Davies TDSi

ISC West this year was another fantastic experience – an exciting opportunity to reach out to the key and influential people in the huge and important North American security market. We had great conversations with partners and customers at the event, but perhaps the addition of a service to match visitors to exhibitors and arrange appointments on their stands would be a welcome and useful addition at the next event. Also, increased advertising of networking opportunities and perhaps networking around specific topics of interest would also make a great event even better.

Woodie Andrawos National Monitoring Center

ISC West is a top-tier trade show for security alarm dealers, yet there is still room to increase its value. One approach is to offer more targeted training and education sessions that keep dealers current with the latest industry trends and technologies. This can enhance their knowledge and expertise, resulting in improved customer service and a competitive edge. The industry is constantly evolving, and ISC West can equip dealers with the necessary tools to remain ahead of the curve. Another way to enhance the show's value is to provide focused networking events that enable dealers to connect, exchange ideas, and learn from their peers. By doing so, they can develop valuable relationships and gain valuable insights into how to run a successful security alarm business. Such networking opportunities can also enable dealers to share industry best practices and strategies for addressing common challenges.

Laura Newell System Surveyor

During the peak of the pandemic, the thing our team at System Surveyor missed most about ISC West was the opportunities it created for organic conversations between potential partners and collaborators — ones that began during networking events and on the show floor and carried over into the days and weeks following the show. In many ways, those kinds of relationships are the beating heart of the security industry. This year at ISC West, we saw a lot of interest in building community among end users, integrators, and manufacturers alike. In our ecosystem, there’s always room for more collaboration. After all, our industry is at its best when it’s thinking outside the box; and I believe creative collaboration and innovative partnerships are the key to making that happen. Looking forward, creating even more opportunities for industry leaders to come together and share ideas will make ISC West all the more valuable to visitors and exhibitors alike, whether by way of thought leadership panels that are open to the public or open community spaces dedicated to arranging meetings, swapping ideas, and brainstorming ways to work together better.

David Smith Identity One

As the largest converged security industry event in the United States, ISC West is the perfect place for industry thought leaders to come together and generate new ideas. Whether pitching exciting new partnerships or brainstorming ways to improve security technology, the kind of organic collaboration that happens on the show floor at ISC West is an incredibly powerful catalyst for community building and positive change. One way SIA and ISC West could work together to facilitate these kinds of conversations is by opening up their education sessions to all ISC West attendees. Even just hosting a handful of free, topical education sessions would benefit the entire industry by creating even more opportunities for sparks to fly. From our point of view, ISC West exhibitors and attendees are already excited to find new ways to work together — creating opportunities to do just that is guaranteed to prove valuable.

Ray May Parker Group, Inc.

Overall, I believe that GSX 2023 proved to be highly successful for both large and small exhibitors. I had the opportunity to reconnect with many long-standing contacts and, more notably, engage with some new prospects. GSX attendees were excited to discuss their evolving control rooms and to see the newest solutions available as they look to improve their infrastructures. Looking ahead to next year, I suggest enhancing the overall value for visitors and exhibitors by incorporating more targeted networking events throughout the week focused on specific industry topics and making sure these events are marketed to reach the right audience. I'd also like to see some specific educational sessions around the modernization of control rooms.

Steve Prodger Arcules

ISC West is an essential event for vendors and stakeholders in the security industry. However, there are opportunities to increase its value further. Diversifying the exhibitors can attract a broader range of customers and insights, while focusing on emerging trends through specific vertical applications can provide attendees with more relevant and useful information. Moreover, providing more interactive experiences can enhance attendees' understanding of security technologies. Improving in these areas could help ISC West attract more end-users and increase its overall value as an event.

John Rezzonico Edge360

ISC West is a massive security conference that can be quite daunting for smaller brands to compete with established, larger companies. However, I believe that there is an opportunity to make the experience better for smaller exhibitors. ISC West can provide focused networking opportunities and affordable booth options for smaller brands to reach their target audience. Moreover, they can launch targeted marketing campaigns designed specifically for these brands to help them showcase their products and reach their desired audience. By doing this, ISC West can create a more level playing field for smaller exhibitors, provide them with the support and resources they need to succeed, and help them build brand recognition.