A new Technology Report from SourceSecurity.com, produced in collaboration with Oncam Technologies, highlights how a new technology platform that combines cloud-based computing and automated on-site data collection can help businesses with remote monitoring and management. Combining inputs from surveillance systems, access control, intrusion detection systems, and video analytics, among others, the OnVu360 management platform has applications in remote business management and security management across several markets including retail, public security, and home automation.
“We appreciate the opportunity to work with Oncam Technologies to report on this new platform as it launches into the market. Oncam generously shared time and resources to inform us about the new platform, answered my hundreds of questions thoroughly (and good naturedly), and worked closely with us at SourceSecurity.com to make this detailed, in-depth report possible,” said Larry Anderson, Editor of SourceSecurity.com US Edition.
“We at SourceSecurity.com hope this Technology Report is useful to readers and helps to communicate the intricacies – and the huge potential – of the new technology platform. In today’s short-and-fast media climate, I personally have appreciated the rare opportunity to take a “deep dive” into an interesting subject and to report on a technology that solves a long list of current customer problems – and maybe could even transform the industry! If it does, I can say I was there when it started.”
SourceSecurity.com Technology Report: Managing Business Remotely Using the Cloud (1MB)