5 Jan 2015

It has been interesting to read all the Review and Forecast articles we published over the last month. The holiday season was a perfect time to reflect on the previous year, and it is interesting to read about all the companies, their visions for 2015 and their accomplishments. It reminds me how lucky I am to be a part of an industry dedicated to protecting assets, people and facilities. The opportunity to report on a constantly changing business climate and a wealth of interesting technology is a huge bonus.

In the same spirit, we have a lot of accomplishments to celebrate at SourceSecurity.com in 2014. One example: We have added several new writers to our site, including Deborah O’Mara, Mike Fickes, Randy Southerland, and Jeremy Malies. It’s exciting to have new voices to comment on and provide insightful editorial coverage of the market. Welcome all.

We are also expanding our content. Our coverage of vertical markets and technology types continues to build on our strong foundation of security market information, available on demand for visitors to the site. We also continue every day to build our other content, including videos, product information, case studies, company profiles, etc. It’s a perpetual evolution as SourceSecurity.com keeps getting better and richer.

Visiting IFSEC in 2014 expanded the scope of how I view the security market. I was able to experience first-hand that we truly are a global industry, well positioned to benefit from a wealth of supplier companies all over the world. That just makes my learning process (and reporting processes) even more engaging. I am privileged to have the opportunity to interview security leaders truly from around the world.

Happy new year to all SourceSecurity.com readers – and we can’t wait to see what 2015 brings!