• Type: Conferences / seminars
  • 15 - 16 Apr, 2010
  • Makati City, Philippines
  • New World Hotel, Makati City, Philippines
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Event Overview:


The forum-cum-specialised exhibit, now on its fifth year is the country's foremost assembly for business continuity and knowledge-sharing of safety and security concerns.  PROTECT is held every year to give leaders and decision makers from government and business communities a venue for discussion and exchange of ideas and experiences to aid both sectors in dealing with security matters.

In the wake of the many natural disasters that hit the Asian region in 2009, this year's PROTECT series to be held on April 15-16, 2010 devotes significant attention to Disaster Risk Reduction.

 It has been recognised that risks arising from natural disasters such as super typhoons, floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and landslides are as destructive and could even be more disastrous than terrorist and man-made attacks. They should be managed as other threats arising from terrorism. They affect business, the economy and every human being.

PROTECT 2010 will bring together a pool of respected experts in the fields of disaster reduction and relief, protection of networks and critical sensitive physical assets, cyber security, business protection and continuity and general security. Focused sectoral break-out sessions are part of the conference.

This year's PROTECT Conference is focusing on different sectors and industries for which emerging challenges from natural and man-made disasters can significantly affect their business.

There will be break-out sessions for specific sectors:

Group A - Schools, hospitals, hotels, malls, offices, factories, property developers, tourist resorts, others

Group B - Local government units (LGUs) and organisations responsible for safety of local communities

Group C - Banks, BPOs, casinos, call centres, airline offices, IT companies, insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, stock exchanges/brokerages, others

Group D - Critical infrastructures and public places - public utility companies (water, electricity, power), telecoms, bus terminals, airports, airlines, mass transit trains and stations, seaports, shipping companies, others

Starting with an update on the latest issues on terrorism by international terrorism expert Rohan Gunaratna, PROTECT 2010 will devote significant attention to disaster risk reduction and management from both natural and man-made disasters.

The conference will also present the Philippine Disaster Management System.  New technologies in security and safety will be introduced at PROTECT 2010, among which is SONY's high definition security system and IP-based video surveillance hybrid platform that integrates old and new systems effectively.


Visitor Demographics:

  • Visitor Origin:
  • Philippines
  • Visitor demographic:
    • Government and business community leaders and decision makers

Event organiser:

  • Organiser:
  • Leverage International (Consultants) Inc.
  • Address:
  • Suite 84 Legaspi Suites, 178 Salcedo Street, Legaspi Village, Makati City, Philippines
  • 632 818 6828


PROTECT 2010 news

PROTECT 2010 promotes resiliency against natural and man-made disasters

PROTECT 2010 promotes enhanced preparedness, response, rescue and recovery mechanisms for firmsIn the light of expected increase in frequency and degree of natural disasters arising from climate change, lifeline institutions such as local governments, schools, hospitals, housing, commercial buildings, and hotels need to pay close attention to preparedness, response, rescue and recovery mechanisms. An exemplary record of safety is equivalent to saving lives. Likewise, critical infrastructures and...

Sony to exhibit video security solutions at PROTECT 2010 conference

Among the products on display at PROTECT 2010 will be Sony's video surveillance systemSony's video security system which leads the way for hybrid surveillance solutions will be on exhibit during the international conference and exhibit, PROTECT 2010: Doing Business Amidst New Threats, from April 15 to 16, 2010, at the New World Hotel.Sony Corp, of Japan has developed a digitised or IP-based video surveillance system that enables users to protect and safeguard their assets with higher image...

PROTECT 2010 conference to promote partnership between government and business community for greater security

 Preparedness to save lives and swift response to disasters are essential business continuity toolsThe killer earthquakes in Haiti and Chile are reminders to the business community that preparedness to save lives and protect critical infrastructures and data against natural and man-made disasters, swift response and quick recovery are necessary tools to assure business continuity. Companies implementing business continuity or risk reduction strategies better than their rivals strengthen the...

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  • Manila, Philippines