Technical Specification

  • Make: DiOP
  • Model code: NADS
  • Colour Type: Colour / Monochrome
  • Specialist Types: Thermal
  • Accessories: Thermal Imaging Camera
Additional info:

The TADS systems offer night vision in complete darkness through the weapon’s day-sight using uncooled 8-12µm microbolometer focal plane array technology. DiOP utilises its proprietary signal processing techniques, which produce thermal images of unsurpassed quality for an uncooled thermal imaging product. The sights are designed as clip-on night augmentation devices engineered to be adapted to the day sights, permitting the use of the day sights in extreme low light level conditions.

Make DiOP
Manufacturer DiOP
Model code NADS
Colour Type Colour / Monochrome
Specialist Types Thermal
Accessories Thermal Imaging Camera
Additional info The TADS systems offer night vision in complete darkness through the weapon’s day-sight using uncooled 8-12µm microbolometer focal plane array technology. DiOP utilises its proprietary signal processing techniques, which produce thermal images of unsurpassed quality for an uncooled thermal imaging product. The sights are designed as clip-on night augmentation devices engineered to be adapted to the day sights, permitting the use of the day sights in extreme low light level conditions.

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