DiOP LANScout 60/180 CCTV camera

Technical Specification

  • Make: DiOP
  • Model code: LANScout 60/180
  • Colour Type: Colour / Monochrome
  • Specialist Types: Thermal
  • Voltage: 4 ~ 12 V DC
Additional info:

The LANScout 60/180 is a dual field of view camera that transmits clear thermal images with a horizontal field of view of 15.2º at 60 mm and 5.1º at 180mm. It incorporates uncooled VOx microbolometer technology in a 320x240, 5I micron pitch focal plane array. The system is immune to solar glint and provides high transmission through smoke, aerosols or fog. It has a diamond-hard carbon coating designed for use in the harshest of environments. Its user-friendly plug and play camera operation and RS232 remote control capability permit ease of integration into any client-based security system.

Make DiOP
Manufacturer DiOP
Model code LANScout 60/180
Colour Type Colour / Monochrome
Specialist Types Thermal
Electrical Specifications Voltage: 4 ~ 12 V DC
Power Consumption: 5W
Signal Mode PAL / NTSC
Physical Specifications Weight g: 12 kg
Accessories Long Wave Uncooled Thermal Imager
Additional info The LANScout 60/180 is a dual field of view camera that transmits clear thermal images with a horizontal field of view of 15.2º at 60 mm and 5.1º at 180mm. It incorporates uncooled VOx microbolometer technology in a 320x240, 5I micron pitch focal plane array. The system is immune to solar glint and provides high transmission through smoke, aerosols or fog. It has a diamond-hard carbon coating designed for use in the harshest of environments. Its user-friendly plug and play camera operation and RS232 remote control capability permit ease of integration into any client-based security system.

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