27 - 28 Jun, 2024 23:30 - 00:30 Asia/Kolkata

A Better “Alarm” Detector with Flexible Solutions, VCA 3.0 is a Bi-Spectrum VCA, a self-learning calibration VCA, and a distillation model VCA Temperature Exception, leaveing more time for true Fire Prevention. Register to attend this June 27th webinar for a chance to win Hikvision thermal cameras, and learn more about HeatPro technology. 
Hikvision's Bi-Spectrum HeatPro Thermal Cameras are here to flip the script, offering dual lenses, high resolution, and budget-friendly thermal tech that suits a ton of mainstream applications. Key features of Hikvision HeatPro Hikvision’s lineup that create a new standard for thermal technology:
  • Dual, Bi-Spectrum Lenses
  • Discover Hidden Objects
  • Early Detection and Warning
  • Accurate Target Focus
  • Cost-Effective Technology