Retail surveillance - Expert commentary

Choosing the right fingerprint capture technology

Choosing the appropriate fingerprint technology for a given application is dependent on factors including the required level of security and matching accuracy, the desired capabilities and features, and the usability to achieve adoption and productivity goals. A successful evaluation process will help ensure that this mature and proven user authentication method performs as expected. Fingerprint biometric advantages The speed, simplicity, accuracy, and cost-effectiveness of the fingerprint m...

Nedap adapts to change: The dynamic nature of retail crime

With the rise of organised retail crime (ORC) making headlines, retailers are grappling with the dual challenge of safeguarding both their staff and store assets, while addressing the economic pressures that impact profitability and consumer demand.  RFID technology The key lies in identifying effective solutions to counter the current surge in ORC, enabling retailers to secure their vulnerable staff and protect inventory for paying customers. Technology plays a crucial role in supportin...

Strengthening retail security: strategies to combat the surging shoplifting epidemic

Amidst the challenges of a prevailing economic downturn, the retail sector finds itself grappling with an unparalleled rise in incidents of shoplifting, theft, and burglaries. The disconcerting scenes witnessed on London’s Oxford Street in August 2023,​ where crowds gathered, looting as many stores as possible, sent shockwaves across the nation’s retailers. This alarming surge in retail crime has put retailers on high alert, as they contend with a rising tide of security concer...

Mastering transportation cybersecurity: The comprehensive guide

Global transportation networks are becoming increasingly interconnected, with digital systems playing a crucial role in ensuring the smooth operation of ports and supply chains. However, this reliance on technology can also create vulnerabilities, as demonstrated by the recent ransomware attack on Nagoya Port. As Japan's busiest shipping hub, the port's operations were brought to a standstill for two days, highlighting the potential for significant disruption to national economies and supply cha...

Responsible Technology: Upholding ethical standards and protecting human rights within security

Open platform video technology software is more than just a product; it's a tool that helps customers achieve their desired business outcomes. Safety, round-the-clock security, and increased operational efficiencies are now the norm due to video technology. Responsible Technology Despite humanity’s impressive technological advances, we also recognise the immense responsibility that comes with technological innovation. It's not enough to focus solely on the positive impact video technol...

Why the term “Security Team” is too limiting

There’s been a long history of people thinking of “gates, guards, and guns” when referring to physical security. And for a long time, this was the norm. When analogue cameras required significant amounts of wiring and a dedicated guard to watch said feeds (think about any action movie from the 90s), the assumption was that security was protecting assets, but had little to do with the overall business.  Defining security with recent advancements Fast forward to more rec...

Critical infrastructure: The starting point for surveillance

Inadequate security measures on your essential infrastructure can have severe consequences.  Consequences  Consider the rail industry: If a vandal cuts the cables on a vital mechanism that controls train signals, train safety is jeopardised. To avoid train collisions or derailments and thus significant damage to property and potential loss of life, the operating company must shut down the service until the infrastructure is repaired and the network is up and running again. The disru...

Why retailers need task forces to fight organised retail crime

What should be done to stop organised retail crime (ORC)? That’s the big question for retail businesses nationwide, as widespread concerns about ORC have sparked a multitude of strategies spanning everything from state-of-the-art surveillance technology, to advocacy for new state and federal legislation, to products locked up within theft-prevention cases — and, in some extreme cases, even the decision to outright close certain brick-and-mortar locations. Retailers are spending mill...

Understanding and implementing integrated security

Integrated security solutions are so often recommended by security specialists, while this sounds impressive, what does it actually mean? The short answer is: combining all aspects of security in a layered approach that leaves no vulnerable points. In this article, I will unpick the meaning behind this well used phrase, exploring the key components that make up an effective integrated security solution, while also revealing my top tips when it comes to maintenance and how to specify a solution...

Loss prevention and security audits in retail

When looking to design, implement, and track a loss prevention and security audit program across a national retail chain, there are two big questions to consider: What are you attempting to resolve, influence, and/or measure? What is the priority?  The first point is to understand if there are any specific pressing concerns. If there are procedures not being followed by staff in the stores, then you want to come up with a program that is going to actually influence the way they work...

4 trends to follow at ISC West

The security industry is going increasingly digital these days, with more small- and medium-sized businesses joining their global brethren by moving their data to the cloud, leveraging the benefits of artificial intelligence, and embracing more open solutions. Innovation is expected to continue at a rapid pace, thanks in part to the residual effects of the pandemic which has driven changes that might have otherwise taken five years or a decade or more to get into customers’ hands on a glo...

Importance of protecting educational establishments: privacy vs. visibility

The UK’s future depends on our children. Within the four walls of classrooms around the country, young minds are inspired, practical skills are learnt, and new passions are established; these will be tapped into by pupils for decades to come. To make sure outmoded security measures are not having an adverse effect on the performance within, we must first examine the limits and physical safeguards around these educational institutions. When planning and building any facility for the educat...

Jacksons Fencing shares ways to have safe and secure stores over the festive season

With shoplifting up, 21% in 2022, Peter Jackson, managing director of Jacksons Fencing explores how retail businesses can better protect their premises from opportunistic thieves. We think of shoplifting as people walking out of a store, pockets bulging with unpaid-for goods. However, in town centres and retail parks, the rear doors of shops and delivery areas can be an opportunity for theft on a much grander scale. Thefts and break-ins It’s not uncommon for thefts to be perpetrated fr...

Essential security tips for a loss-free Christmas season

With Black Friday on the horizon and shops and warehouses busier than ever, Elliot Roddy, Operations Director at CDX Security Group has shared some tips on how to keep the must-have gift items safe and secure: Regular monitoring and CCTV, Stock control and audits, and Partner with a trusted security firm. Staying alert with the must-have items  Each year, we see certain items gain popularity and become the year's must-haves. This year, social media and the rise of TikTok have accel...

From the back office to the checkout: Critical strategies to mitigate retail theft By Daniel Linskey and Jodie Rae Jordan

In the past five years, the retail landscape and the relationship between consumers and businesses has shifted drastically. It wasn’t too long ago when shopping at malls was considered a family activity and consumers shopped at local stores where they knew and interacted with sales personnel. Today, however, malls and interactions with employees are relics that accurately portray the way retail used to work. Retail companies have shifted their consumer model to focus on the online market...

Door security trends: The path forward

The outlook for advancements in door security solutions is proving to be an extension of the positive trends that have emerged over the past few years and that continue to evolve in exciting new ways. That’s a good sign as we make our way along the road toward an ever-safer world. Improvements in a hybrid workforce  Here’s what we’re seeing: More and more companies are rethinking the office space and how electronic access control (EAC) security and data can help better s...

The past, present and future of GRC technology

At the start of the millennium, GRC was still very much in its infancy. Fast forward to 2022 and it is no longer seen as a siloed process. Now it is an organisation-wide concern that permeates every decision from C-suite to the shop floor. And its evolution shows no sign of slowing down as modern solutions are changing the way that GRC processes are delivered and embedded into day-to-day operations within organisations. So, what does the future look like? In an era where risk is accelerating, w...

IoT video surveillance: simplify security, prevent loss and create safer environments

Nowadays the Internet of Things has become an integral part of business around the world. The enhanced functionality made possible by the Internet of Things (IoT) and associated technologies are responsible for many of the major changes seen across society today. Video surveillance Video surveillance is one area that experiences substantial evolution driven by IoT technology. The intelligent monitors and sensors of the IoT combined with emerging high-speed network solutions promise to improve...

Six trends at the intersection of video and AI

Although video camera technology has been around since the early 1900s, it was not until the 1980s that video started to gain traction for security and surveillance applications. The pictures generated by these initial black and white tube cameras were grainy at best, with early colour cameras providing a wonderful new source of visual data for better identification accuracy. But by today’s standards, these cameras produced images that were about as advanced as crayons and coloring books....

Five reasons your retail business needs cloud video surveillance

Cloud-based video surveillance as a service (VSaaS) is in a period of significant growth at present. In fact, the global VSaaS industry was valued at $2.2 billion in 2020 and is expected to reach $4.7 billion by 2025. Part of the reason for this growth is the increased adoption of the technology within shops, restaurants, and other retail settings. A cloud-based video management system can be valuable for businesses of all kinds, but those in the retail or restaurant industries are often able t...

How digital transformation is helping banks address the new normal

The banking market continues to evolve through the growing use of digital and mobile devices, as more branch operations aim to enhance convenience and service for the customer. These advancements also create more significant opportunities for fraud and loss. Together, these two trends come full circle: Increasingly sophisticated fraud techniques require organisations to pursue new approaches to preventing and detecting such activities. Digital transformation But before we lead down that path,...

What will changes to data privacy legislation mean for security and surveillance companies?

In the UK there is a new data reform act working its way through the legislative process. As the law changes, the market changes – so this year will see many companies trying to read the tea leaves and adapt their offerings to take advantage of the emerging changes. The security marketplace is, apparently, constrained by the need for great privacy – it appears to be a zero-sum game – you can have privacy, or you can have security, you can’t have both. In the second half...

Innovative security: The key to business efficiency, cost savings and more

Organisations have shifted business focus countless times since the onset of the pandemic. While many leaders have been primarily concerned with the immediate health and safety of their customers and employees, 2022 has given rise to a new trend: More than ever, business leaders are seeking security solutions that increase operational efficiency and cost savings as well as improve logistics and business insight. As working environments become more complex, organisations looking to drive higher...

OPINION: School safety – it’s time to accelerate the adoption of security tech

We must leverage existing technologies like social media monitoring, gunshot and weapons detection, and real-time watchlist alerting. We owe it to our children. The recent news of the Dallas elementary school shooting absolutely gutted me. It’s a tragic and incomprehensible loss of life. A question I hear being asked again and again – could technology have made a difference? From my experience, modern technologies can help schools mitigate some of the damage and provide an early w...

Transforming physical security with real-time situational awareness

There is little doubt that security concerns have heightened in the near two years since the pandemic first swept across the globe. A report from Pro-Vigil reveals that nearly one in five companies experienced more physical security incidents since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, and one in three of the 124 respondents surveyed anticipate further increases in 2021. The tragic terrorist attacks experienced during this period in the UK have caused many organisations to make changes to their...

2022 security trends: Choice & flexibility a must-have for multifamily residents

As we navigate the new normal, the power of choice and flexibility continues to take centre stage. We’ve grown accustomed to the choice to work from home or virtually anywhere and the flexibility to have everything delivered (sometimes even right into your fridge!). Seamless access control With this, we are seeing heightened demand for seamless access control through smart locks and mobile credentials. This powerful combination creates exciting new opportunities to meet resident demand f...

The role of private security in a hybrid working world

COVID-19 has undoubtedly impacted all industries, leaving its mark for years to come. Multiple lockdowns forced businesses across multiple sectors to reassess the way they worked, with many adapting to working from home due to the various stay-at-home orders. Data from a 2021 ONS survey revealed that 25.7 percent of the UK workforce, or 8.4 million people, worked from home during the pandemic, more than doubling the 2019 figure of 12.4 percent. A further nine million people were placed on furlo...

How security pros can leverage clients’ trust into bigger jobs and new revenue streams

Business owners know the security of their properties is one of their most important daily concerns, and that leads many of them to work with professional security integrators who can design and deliver robust systems that provide protection and peace-of-mind through modern technologies and services. That’s why security integrators, by their very nature, have an invaluable tool that can be leveraged into bigger jobs: clients’ trust. As highly-trusted partners with extensive experien...

How are new management systems innovating the hospitality industry?

Technology has certainly become an intrinsic part of our day-to-day lives, from the retail industry, to food and beverage outlets, and even within the health and fitness industry. It’s all around us, in varying formats, making processes more efficient. It has refined some of our older approaches, and in the hospitality industry, this is certainly true. Technological advances are leading the way forward for the future of hotels, and with the sector now free from COVID-19 restrictions, venu...

The automated future of retail and how to secure it

While the foundation of autonomous retail has been built up over the past few years, it is only now that retailers are beginning to fully experiment with the technology. There were an estimated 350 stores globally in 2018 offering a fully autonomous checkout process, yet this number is forecast to increase dramatically with 10,000 stores anticipated by 2024. This acceleration in the growth of unmanned retail stores has, in part, been boosted by the COVID-19 pandemic and a demand for a more cont...

Quick poll
Which feature is most important in a video surveillance system?