Casino security - Case studies

IndigoVision's IP Video system provides complete digital CCTV surveillance solution to Enjoy Group casinos in Chile

Once complete the entire project will have upgraded over 2,500 cameras to digital IP-CCTV surveillance Enjoy Group has chosen IndigoVision's IP Video system to provide a complete digital CCTV surveillance solution for all nine of its casinos in Chile. The first 500-camera system has been completed at the casino complex in Coquimbo, which will shortly be extended to cover a new hotel and convention centre. Once complete, the entire project will have upgraded over 2,500 cameras...

Paxton Access Net2 installed to prevent casual access - Custard Factory, Birmingham

Inner city regeneration is believed to improve economic performance and tackle unemployment in our cities.  It also enables making the productive use of some of the brown field sites.  The Custard Factory in Birmingham is an example of how disused old industrial buildings can be brought back to life from what had seemed like terminal decline.  Sir Alfred Bird, who invented Birds custard powder, built the Custard Factory 100 years ago.  By the end of the 1800's Alfred Bird's s...

Understanding our customers’ business imperatives and what makes them tick enables Siemens to offer complete, one-stop solutions that draw upon the expertise of all our groups.

By adding value in this way, we are able to develop genuine, long-term partnerships of mutual bene?t.By coincidence, Centrica and Siemens both launched strategic relationship initiatives 18 months ago, focusing respectively on key suppliers and customers.“Having a strategic relationship with a supplier strengthens communication across both companies,” explains Sarah Clarkson, one of Centrica’s Strategic Supplier Managers, “especially when you have, as we do, executive spo...

Intruder detection system required by Dutch rail

Advanced Perimeter System Limited is often challenged to come up with a new security system or perimeter protection solution.  One such challenge we received was when our distributor in The Netherlands came to us with a problem that Dutch Rail were experiencing on a fleet of their maintenance vehicles carrying out repairs on the rail network. One of their wagons carried large drums of copper wire to be used for the overhead electrification wires.  Being pure copper wire, the drums were...

HandKey® saves Prison Service Money

At Maghaberry Prison, NIPS has just installed HandKeys at all of the main entry points to the prison "HandKeys were chosen above other biometric systems because they are extremely easy to use and popular with our staff." - Michael Pepper, Director of Activities and Services, Maghaberry Prison Summary Northern Ireland Prison Services (NIPS) saves money with Recognition Systems HandKey® biometric hand reader. Business Need Before they discovered Recognition Systems HandKe...

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