European Distribution System Operators (E.DSO) News

ENCS and E.DSO announces the launch of security requirements for DA and RTU

ENCS, the European Network for Cyber Security, and E.DSO, the European Distribution System Operators’ Association, announced the launch of security requirements for Distribution Automation (DA) of Remote Terminal Units (RTUs). This is the third in a series of security guidelines for a smarter and more secure energy network, after ENCS and E.DSO previously released security requirements for electric vehicle charging points and smart metres. These requirements are an important tool in impro...

E.DSO, ENCS and ENTSO-E host the 3rd edition of their cyber security webinar event, ‘Cybersecurity: Data Sharing’

The increasing cyber security threat and COVID-19 are causing challenges everywhere, including in the energy sector. The European Network for Cyber Security (ENCS), the Association of European Distribution System Operators (E.DSO), and the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E), hosted the first of two webinars to discuss some of these challenges. ‘Cybersecurity: Data Sharing’ webinar Renowned cyber security experts from the grid operator commun...

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