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Along with the growing adoption of cloud, SaaS applications have accounted for more than triple of the account-takeover attacks between 2019 and 2021, alone. Any given breach can potentially bankrupt many small businesses, with average costs reaching USD 4.35 million in 2022, according to a 2022 IBM report. Every busi...

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Top downloads

Modernising facilities management

Effective facilities management (FM) is vital to any organis...

Healthcare Surveillance: Finding efficiencies from OR t...

For all their unique requirements, hospitals are not immune...

Machine Operator Authentication

Industry 4.0 revolves around data, particularly through the...

A guide to moving physical security into the Cloud

The use of the Cloud is rising across the globe as more orga...

Unlocking wide-angle camera dewarping

A vast number of today's video surveillance and security app...

Safeguard Students With New Techniques And Technology

Safeguard Students With New Techniques And Technology Disco...

Showcase: Case studies

Aperio® wireless locks help the University of St Andrews achieve their sustainability goals

Founded in the early 1400s, the University of St Andrews is globally renowned and was recently ranke...

Puerto Rico protects more than 850 public schools with the help of Milestone Systems Software

The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico needed to implement a centralised and efficient perimeter security s...

Vanderbilt and ACRE’s ACTpro access control solution installed in St. Andrew’s School in Potong Pasir, Singapore

St. Andrew’s House is a Boarding Home for International students in St. Andrew’s School....


Editor's picks

How security can (and should) impact the world at large

As much as we each seem to live in our own bubble, the reality is that everything is connected and w...

Hot takes: From video quality to PIAMS to cashier-less checkout

There’s always more to talk about in our Expert Panel Roundtable discussions, and we appreciat...

What is the largest risk to critical infrastructure in 2023?

Some systems and assets are so vital that their incapacity or destruction would have a debilitating...

Event in profile


Inter Airport Southeast Asia (IASEA) is Asia’s Premier airport exhibition that covers all areas of airport-related technology, equipment and services, in one place.  Established in 1997, IASEA brings the entire airport value chain together and gives industry...