5 Jan 2024

Research conducted by the Security Leadership Research Institute (SLRI) and Kennesaw State University has been accepted for publication by the journal Information and Computer Security.

'Organisational perspectives on converged security operations' was published online on November 1 and will appear in an upcoming print issue of the journal. The study is the first phase of a multiphase project that will dive into issues such as metrics, staff group structures, cost, and current practices in security optimisation efforts being implemented by organisations.

Security collaborative optimisation

Information and Computer Security examines the impact of user and organisational behaviour on information security. All submissions to the journal are subject to double-blind review by academic and industry experts to ensure the research is valid and relevant.

The paper’s publication reinforces the validity of our research, which found that security convergence can also take the form of what we coined 'security collaborative optimisation' between corporate and cyber security functions to enhance risk mitigation efforts in an organisation,” says Kathleen Kotwica, Principal Analyst for the SLRI and EVP and Chief Knowledge Strategist for the Security Executive Council (SEC).

She adds, “This is the first phase of security convergence research we are doing to assess how it's playing out in our security community.”