14 Sep 2020

AMAG Technology is excited to announce that Symmetry Business Intelligence won Security Today’s New Product of the Year for Big Data Security Analysis.

The Security Today New Product of the Year Award honours the outstanding product development achievements of security equipment manufacturers whose products are considered to be particularly noteworthy in their ability to improve security.

We are thrilled to be recognised for our new analytics solution, Symmetry Business Intelligence,” said AMAG Technology President, Howard Johnson. “Our customers were demanding a solution that could identify anomalous behaviour, helping with insider threat. But in these unprecedented times, it also helps organisations with facility occupancy as companies slowly return to work in a limited capacity.”

Highest risk scores

Symmetry Business Intelligence analyses how a person’s access activity is tracked and patterns established based on a risk score methodology. Anomalous behaviour may raise a person’s score, and high-risk identities are flagged in a dashboard.

Dashboards within Symmetry Business Intelligence provide the security team with an at-a-glance look at identities with the highest risk scores. Scores are generated based on the reader location, time of day and a user’s access patterns. Symmetry Business Intelligence helps to easily identify the employees, contractors and other identities that may pose the highest risk to a company.

It also helps organisations manage facility occupancy as they are returning to work and gradually bringing back employees over time. Organisations can track high traffic flow and make better decisions about when and how often to clean, as well as with building management functions such as HVAC.