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COE Group plc, the developer and supplier of advanced video surveillance systems, announces that it has appointed Ian Jefferson to the Board as Finance Director.

Mr Jefferson is currently Group Financial Controller of the 600 Group plc, an international manufacturer of machine tools, and was formerly Finance & Operations Director of Mila Hardware, a subsidiary of Heywood Williams Group plc.  He is a qualified accountant with audit experience at Robson Rhodes and also has degrees in physics and electronics.  Mr Jefferson will join the board in the first quarter of 2007.

The Board also announces that Colin Glass, a Non-Executive Director since 1989, will step down from the Board when Ian takes up his appointment.  Mr Glass was a founder of COE and introduced Yorkshire Enterprise (now YFM Group Ltd), which provided early stage funding.  In a further fundraising in August 2006 he introduced IP Group plc which became the lead investor and which helped catalyse the transformation in the group's position during 2006.

Andrew Wallace, Chief Executive of COE Group, said: "After an extensive search we are delighted to welcome Ian to the Board.  His experience of listed technology companies larger than COE will be vital to COE as it seeks to grow in the coming years.  We are also delighted to have a Finance Director who has a grasp of the underlying technology."

"Colin Glass has been a tireless and well connected source of ideas for COE over many years.  The founders and I are grateful to him for his unstinting effort.  Colin leaves the board at a time when new backing has been obtained and key new skills are in place for the next phase of growth and he has played a key role in achieving this position."

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