Securing Asia 2013

  • Type: International security
  • 24 - 25 Jun, 2013
  • London, United Kingdom (UK)
  • The Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, London, United Kingdom (UK)
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Event Overview:

The Asian Homeland Security, Defence & Counter Terror Summit

Securing Asia is the only Asia focused interactive platform where representatives of Asian nations and Western security suppliers can meet and address vital issues and business opportunities related to Homeland Security and Counter Terror measures.

Securing Asia 2013, aims to create “profit from participation” for all its partners and will once again attract the international security and intelligence communities comprising of governments, academia, research and industry professionals who will share their experiences, knowledge and expertise in tackling the various problems currently facedby Governments and Agencies around the world and also provide a neutral platform to explore and sign new business deals and partnerships.

Securing Asia 2012 witnessed participation from Defence, Police, Military and Para-military forces of over 22 countries including Bangladesh, Brunei, Georgia, India, Japan, Jordan, Myanmar, Nepal, Oman, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Taiwan and UAE among others.

Over the course of two days (24th and 25thJune 2013), the Summit will encompass a conference, a business exhibition, numerous networking opportunities and access to specialised concierge and business facilitation services. Attendees will exchange knowledge and technical know-how in order to arrive at customised security solutions.

The sector focus for 2013 is:

  • Aviation & Transport Security
  • Critical Infrastructure Protection &CBRNe
  • Cyber Security & Forensics
  • IED Detection & Counter Measures
  • Maritime Security & Anti-Piracy

Visitor Demographics:

  • Visitor Origin:
  • United Kingdom (UK)
  • Visitor demographic:
    • Security professionals

Event organiser:

  • Organiser:
  • Global Energy Pvt Ltd
  • Address:
  • 1 Queen Anne's Gate, Westminster, London, United Kingdom (UK)
  • +44 (0) 207 799 4009

Upcoming events in United Kingdom (UK)