Counter CBRN Operations 2010

  • Type: Conferences / seminars
  • 1 - 2 Feb, 2010
  • London, United Kingdom (UK)
  • Marriott Regents Park, London, NW3 3ST, United Kingdom (UK)
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Event Overview:

Counter CBRN Operations 1-2 February 2010 Marriott Regents Park, London, UK

Review international counter-proliferation programmes with key nations and organisations including the UK, USA, Australia, Czech Republic, Canada, Germany and NATO. Keynote addresses include the Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical and Biological Defence & Police National CBRN Centre.

Keynote addresses include:

  • Colonel Dave Williams, Medical Systems Joint Project Manager, Joint Programme Executive Office for Chemical and Biological Defence, USA
  • Chief Superintendent Andrew Sigsworth, Head, Lead Police Operational Support Plan, Police National CBRN Centre
  • Bill Puttmann, Expert Civil and Military Coordination, Weapons of Mass Destruction Centre, NATO
  • Captain Michael Collins, Deputy Commander, Joint Task Force Civil Support, United States Navy
  • Colonel Lubomir Kubart, Director, Training, Exercises and Education, Joint CBRN Defence Centre of Excellence, Czech Republic * (* Subject to final confirmation)

Our expert speaker line-up also includes:

  • William Lippert, Criminal Intelligence Analyst, Specialized Crime and Analysis Directorate, Criminal Analysis Sub Directorate, Interpol
  • Lieutenant Colonel Brian Clesham MBE, S01 CBRN, British Army
  • Wil Herdman, Deputy Director, Training Officer, Training Section, DRDC Suffield, Canada
  • Colonel Ioannis Galatas, CBRN Officer & Planner, Hellenic National Defense General Staff, Greece
  • Craig Petrie, Manager Data Centers, Forensic and Data Centers, Australian Federal Police
  • Dominique Loye, Deputy Head and Technical Advisor, Arms Unit, Legal Division, International Committee of the Red Cross
  • Dr Graham Fairhall, Chief Technology Officer, National Nuclear Laboratory, UK
  • Nayla Feghali, Senior Director, Technology & Applications, Healthcare Decontamination Department, RSDecon, USA
  • Stefano Miorotti, CBRN Subject Matter Expert, CRISTANINI , Italy
  • Chris Abbott, Principal Consultant CBRNE, Detica
  • Katsuhisa Furukawa, Fellow, Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society, Japan Science and Technology Agency
  • Professor Jiri Matousek, Faculty of Science, EU Research Centre of Excellence for Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology, Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic

Why should you attend this event?

  • Hear the latest updates from international counter-proliferation centres
  • Discuss how we can best achieve interoperability during a CBRN emergency
  • Learn about inter-agency cooperation in response to major public events
  • Assess the latest operational case studies
  • Examine training programmes designed to enhance your capabilities
  • Network with the people you want to meet from the CBRN community

Visitor Demographics:

  • Visitor Origin:
  • United Kingdom (UK)
  • Visitor demographic:
    • Industry Profile Includes:
    • Presidents, CEOs, Vice Presidents, Directors, Managers, Analysts and Officers for:
    • • Head of CBRN Department
    • • Proliferation Expert
    • • CBRN Programmes
    • • Research Scientist
    • • Sales and Marketing
    • • Business Strategy CBRN

Event organiser:

  • Organiser:
  • SMi Group Ltd.
  • Address:
  • Unit 122, Great Guildford Business Square`, 30 Great Guildford Street, London, United Kingdom (UK)
  • +44 207-827-6000

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